What can aly cat do for you?
Piercing is just one aspect of what Aly Cat offers her clientele. Every task from adding bling to your nipple piercings to helping heal annoying piercing bumps, Aly Cat is always up to the challenge. She assures that every client walks out feeling empowered, beautiful, & oh-so-informed.
Who is aly cat?
Appointments must be arranged, changed, or canceled at least 24 hours beforehand. Find more booking info here.
Time to get pierced!
Appointments must be arranged, changed, or canceled at least 24 hours beforehand.
Find more booking info here.
Whether you're curious, confused, or just plain nosy:
Aly Cat is here to sprinkle some clairity on all your inquiries
Aly Cat does NOT pierce minors. All piercing clients must be over the age of 18 with valid photo ID, no exceptions. Due to safety & sanitation requirements, Aly Cat does NOT allow any small children in her station.
This means you may not bring any children under the age of 13 with you to get a piercing as they will not be allowed in the station & unattended minors are not allowed in the lobby. So make sure to leave the kiddos at home or reach out to Aly Cat to reschedule.
It's important to remember that every single body is wonderfully unique. While most piercings can be done on almost anyone, some specific piercings do depend on the particular shape & structure of your anatomy. Your comfort & safety are top priority, so Aly Cat will work with you to find the perfect piercing that suits your body & style.
Aly Cat does NOT perform: Horizontal tongue piercings such as “frog eyes” or “snake eyes”, Dermals, “Ashley” Lip Piercings, & Cheek Piercings.
Aly Cat requires an in-depth consultation before performing: Genital Piercings, Nose Bridge Piercings, Other Surface Piercings, “Smiley” Oral Piercings, & Tongue Web Piercings.